Mesmerist (NR)
Based on the Edgar Allen Poe short story, "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," comedy revolves around a doctor who convinces a dying man's family to allow him to put the man in a trance as he takes his final breaths. As the man descends in to the afterworld, he slowly discovers the answer to the ultimate question of mankind...
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened September 20th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Who knew Edgar Allen Poe could be funny?
Any movie that includes L. Ron Hubbard in a roster of deities one might run into in the afterlife is my kind of flick--and such is The Mesmerist, based on the Edgar Allen ... MORE
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Based on the Edgar Allen Poe short story, "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," comedy revolves around a doctor who convinces a dying man's family to allow him to put the man in a trance as he takes his final breaths. As the man descends in to the afterworld, he slowly discovers the answer to the ultimate question of mankind...
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened September 20th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Who knew Edgar Allen Poe could be funny?
Any movie that includes L. Ron Hubbard in a roster of deities one might run into in the afterlife is my kind of flick--and such is The Mesmerist, based on the Edgar Allen ... MORE