Monsoon Wedding (R)

The romantic monsoon rains loom over New Delhi, giving occasional relief from the relentless summer heat, as the Verma family prepares for their daughter's arranged marriage. The father of the bride, Lalit Verma, and his wife Pimmi have endured the ups and downs of a traditional marriage. With their daughter Aditi preparing to marry and leave home, the Vermas seek comfort in their shared history. Aditi is to marry Houston engineer Hermant Rai, though she's not yet over her love affair with her older (and married) ex-boss. The day before the wedding, Aditi gets cold feet. Observing the bride's apprehension, unmarried cousin Ria Verma begins to assert herself to her family, defying convention and revealing a disturbing secret she has suppressed for years. Another cousin, the teenaged Ayesha Verma, begins a steamy flirtation with Rahul Chadha, a Sydney college student who has returned to India after years away. Meanwhile, the mobile contractor for the wedding is smitten by Verma's young maid, Alice.
Comedydrama, Romance
1 hr. 54 min.
Opened March 8th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Modern, everyday India comes vividly to life in Monsoon Wedding, the comic, touching story of the relationships between a Punjabi family who unites for the wedding of one of their daughters.
It's summertime in Ne... MORE

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The romantic monsoon rains loom over New Delhi, giving occasional relief from the relentless summer heat, as the Verma family prepares for their daughter's arranged marriage. The father of the bride, Lalit Verma, and his wife Pimmi have endured the ups and downs of a traditional marriage. With their daughter Aditi preparing to marry and leave home, the Vermas seek comfort in their shared history. Aditi is to marry Houston engineer Hermant Rai, though she's not yet over her love affair with her older (and married) ex-boss. The day before the wedding, Aditi gets cold feet. Observing the bride's apprehension, unmarried cousin Ria Verma begins to assert herself to her family, defying convention and revealing a disturbing secret she has suppressed for years. Another cousin, the teenaged Ayesha Verma, begins a steamy flirtation with Rahul Chadha, a Sydney college student who has returned to India after years away. Meanwhile, the mobile contractor for the wedding is smitten by Verma's young maid, Alice.
Comedydrama, Romance
1 hr. 54 min.
Opened March 8th, 2002
MovieGoer Review
Modern, everyday India comes vividly to life in Monsoon Wedding, the comic, touching story of the relationships between a Punjabi family who unites for the wedding of one of their daughters.
It's summertime in Ne... MORE