Dayi: Bir Adamin Hikayesi


When Cevahir, the village tinsmith's eldest son, gets into mischief, his family sends him to Istanbul to work with Seyfi, a cafe owner. Little do they know, however, Seyfi's cafe is actually an illicit casino, and soon brave and merciful Cevahir is on an unstoppable rise to the top of gangland Istanbul.


2 hr. 5 min.

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When Cevahir, the village tinsmith's eldest son, gets into mischief, his family sends him to Istanbul to work with Seyfi, a cafe owner. Little do they know, however, Seyfi's cafe is actually an illicit casino, and soon brave and merciful Cevahir is on an unstoppable rise to the top of gangland Istanbul.


2 hr. 5 min.