Mighty Oak (PG-13)
Ten years after the devastating and untimely loss of her brother, VAUGHN JACKSON, lead singer for Army of Love, Gina Jackson is galvanized into relaunching the band. Impressed by the musical talents of ten year old OAK SCOGGINS, she becomes increasingly convinced he is the the reincarnation of her late brother.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 42 min.
Opened June 5th, 2020
Ten years after the devastating and untimely loss of her brother, VAUGHN JACKSON, lead singer for Army of Love, Gina Jackson is galvanized into relaunching the band. Impressed by the musical talents of ten year old OAK SCOGGINS, she becomes increasingly convinced he is the the reincarnation of her late brother.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 42 min.
Opened June 5th, 2020