The Cloud Boat (Kalo Megher Vela)


The Cloud Boat (Kalo Megher Vela) is a Bangla short film directed by Mrittika Goon and an adaptation of poet Nirmalendu Goon's novel of the same title Protagonist Dukhu: a child who lost his father in his early age. The movie follows the struggles of Dhuku, a child who lives at a railway station. Dukhu's life in a railway station of Dhaka is a continuity of struggle: physical and emotional. In order to escape the abuse of his stepfather, Dhuku flees the city, leaving behind his beloved mother. He disguises himself as an orphan and begins working for a family in a remote village. There he encounters a sage who teaches him that the path to freedom is blocked by emotional attachments - in order to listen to the call of the soul, one must release themselves from the bondage of love. Dukhu is inspired by the sage's words and begins a journey into the unknown, beyond all things material and away from the love for his own mother.


1 hr. 23 min.


Mrittika Goon


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The Cloud Boat (Kalo Megher Vela) is a Bangla short film directed by Mrittika Goon and an adaptation of poet Nirmalendu Goon's novel of the same title Protagonist Dukhu: a child who lost his father in his early age. The movie follows the struggles of Dhuku, a child who lives at a railway station. Dukhu's life in a railway station of Dhaka is a continuity of struggle: physical and emotional. In order to escape the abuse of his stepfather, Dhuku flees the city, leaving behind his beloved mother. He disguises himself as an orphan and begins working for a family in a remote village. There he encounters a sage who teaches him that the path to freedom is blocked by emotional attachments - in order to listen to the call of the soul, one must release themselves from the bondage of love. Dukhu is inspired by the sage's words and begins a journey into the unknown, beyond all things material and away from the love for his own mother.


1 hr. 23 min.


Mrittika Goon
