17th September (Sotoroi September)


17th September is a story based on a young couple who have come to Kolkata from the suburbs who belong to a joint family.

Neel and Labanya have filed for divorce in the court and the reason for their separation is the monetary problems that could not be solved even though both of them have been working. Now the question is, will Labanya and Neel get divorced or will they carry on with their life, will the financial and mental problems will be solved or something else awaits for them?

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17th September is a story based on a young couple who have come to Kolkata from the suburbs who belong to a joint family.

Neel and Labanya have filed for divorce in the court and the reason for their separation is the monetary problems that could not be solved even though both of them have been working. Now the question is, will Labanya and Neel get divorced or will they carry on with their life, will the financial and mental problems will be solved or something else awaits for them?