Meet the Parents (PG-13)

In Meet the Parents, everything that could possibly go wrong for groom-to-be Greg Focker does. The problems begin with Greg's disastrous first meeting with his girlfriend's family-most notably her intimidating father Jack Byrnes-and it's all downhill from there.
Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 47 min.
Opened October 6th, 2000
MovieGoer Review
Director Jay Roach's (Austin Powers) very funny comedy of courtship terrors, Meet the Parents takes full advantage of a basic comedy escalating device -- where everything that could go wrong, does, and the film embraces a universal situatio... MORE

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In Meet the Parents, everything that could possibly go wrong for groom-to-be Greg Focker does. The problems begin with Greg's disastrous first meeting with his girlfriend's family-most notably her intimidating father Jack Byrnes-and it's all downhill from there.
Comedy, Romance
1 hr. 47 min.
Opened October 6th, 2000
MovieGoer Review
Director Jay Roach's (Austin Powers) very funny comedy of courtship terrors, Meet the Parents takes full advantage of a basic comedy escalating device -- where everything that could go wrong, does, and the film embraces a universal situatio... MORE