Turbo Kid (NR)
Set in a post apocalyptic year of 1997, this retro-futuristic and nostalgic tribute to 80¹s action-adventure films follows an orphaned teenager who goes on an adventure to save his female-robot companion from the hands of an evil warlord who controls the only water supply.
Action/Adventure, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened August 28th, 2015
Set in a post apocalyptic year of 1997, this retro-futuristic and nostalgic tribute to 80¹s action-adventure films follows an orphaned teenager who goes on an adventure to save his female-robot companion from the hands of an evil warlord who controls the only water supply.
Action/Adventure, SciFi/Fantasy
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened August 28th, 2015