The Bag Man (R)
This film is a taut crime thriller that follows the story of Jack, a tough guy with chronic bad luck but human touches. Hired by Dragna, a legendary crime boss to complete a simple but unusual task, the plot centers around the anticipated arrival of Dragna who has summoned Jack and a host of shady characters to a remote location for unknown reasons. Over the course of a long and violently eventful night awaiting Dragna's arrival, Jack's path crosses that of Rivka, a stunningly beautiful woman whose life becomes physically and emotionally entangled with Jack's. When Dragna finally arrives on the scene there are sudden and extreme consequences for all.
1 hr. 48 min.
Opened February 28th, 2014
This film is a taut crime thriller that follows the story of Jack, a tough guy with chronic bad luck but human touches. Hired by Dragna, a legendary crime boss to complete a simple but unusual task, the plot centers around the anticipated arrival of Dragna who has summoned Jack and a host of shady characters to a remote location for unknown reasons. Over the course of a long and violently eventful night awaiting Dragna's arrival, Jack's path crosses that of Rivka, a stunningly beautiful woman whose life becomes physically and emotionally entangled with Jack's. When Dragna finally arrives on the scene there are sudden and extreme consequences for all.
1 hr. 48 min.
Opened February 28th, 2014