My Funny Valentine

MY FUNNY VALENTINE is the comic story about a struggling young writer that when love continues to elude him, he turns to what he does best and simply writes the girl of his dreams into his life. The newly single Zander struggles to find both love and himself. All of this changes when he meets Zoe, the object of his affection. Upon meeting Zoe, he embarks upon his master plan of having Zoe work with him under the guise of assisting him with his new script. Caught between the "real" world and "reel" world, Zander learns that there is no substitute for the real thing. My Funny Valentine is a modern day take on love and friendship and the blurred lines in between.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened November 1st, 2012

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MY FUNNY VALENTINE is the comic story about a struggling young writer that when love continues to elude him, he turns to what he does best and simply writes the girl of his dreams into his life. The newly single Zander struggles to find both love and himself. All of this changes when he meets Zoe, the object of his affection. Upon meeting Zoe, he embarks upon his master plan of having Zoe work with him under the guise of assisting him with his new script. Caught between the "real" world and "reel" world, Zander learns that there is no substitute for the real thing. My Funny Valentine is a modern day take on love and friendship and the blurred lines in between.
1 hr. 35 min.
Opened November 1st, 2012