Pollywogs (NR)

On the heels of a bitter breakup, Dylan travels home to Minnesota for a family reunion. There, he runs into his childhood sweetheart, Sarah, who was relocated to a religious compound when they were young. In the very place he discovered love for the first time, Dylan confronts the fantasies of his youth and realizes that the past may hold the key for what lies ahead.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 19 min.
Opened June 14th, 2013

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On the heels of a bitter breakup, Dylan travels home to Minnesota for a family reunion. There, he runs into his childhood sweetheart, Sarah, who was relocated to a religious compound when they were young. In the very place he discovered love for the first time, Dylan confronts the fantasies of his youth and realizes that the past may hold the key for what lies ahead.
Comedy, Drama
1 hr. 19 min.
Opened June 14th, 2013