Alamo:The Price of Freedom (G)

The heroism of the 189 Texans and settlers who defended the besieged Alamo fort for 13 days against the Mexican army of General Santa Anna is recreated in ALAMO: THE PRICE OF FREEDOM. Although the Alamo fell and the defenders were slain, the memory of the battle served as a rallying cry in the fight for Texas's independence from Mexico. The docu-drama recreates battle scenes and dramatic incidents involving such famous historical figures as David Crockett, William Butler Travis, James Bowie, Juan Seguin and General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
Drama, War
0 hr. 42 min.

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The heroism of the 189 Texans and settlers who defended the besieged Alamo fort for 13 days against the Mexican army of General Santa Anna is recreated in ALAMO: THE PRICE OF FREEDOM. Although the Alamo fell and the defenders were slain, the memory of the battle served as a rallying cry in the fight for Texas's independence from Mexico. The docu-drama recreates battle scenes and dramatic incidents involving such famous historical figures as David Crockett, William Butler Travis, James Bowie, Juan Seguin and General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
Drama, War
0 hr. 42 min.