Knight Knight (NR)

Camelot is closed, King Arthur is dead and the Round Table is no more. Trainee knights Gilbert (a highly-strung hypochondriac) and Edgar (an up-beat Christian) find themselves wandering the land in the company of a Mysterious Knight in search of money, adventure and comfortable underwear. When the mysterious knight dies (mysteriously) Gilbert and Edgar find themselves in possession of a letter addressed to him from a certain King Kendrick, entreating him to help rescue his recently kidnapped daughter Katrina and a bag of gold they spend. Can the two knights avoid the unpleasant castle inhabitants, rescue Katrina and put pay to the wicked king?

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Camelot is closed, King Arthur is dead and the Round Table is no more. Trainee knights Gilbert (a highly-strung hypochondriac) and Edgar (an up-beat Christian) find themselves wandering the land in the company of a Mysterious Knight in search of money, adventure and comfortable underwear. When the mysterious knight dies (mysteriously) Gilbert and Edgar find themselves in possession of a letter addressed to him from a certain King Kendrick, entreating him to help rescue his recently kidnapped daughter Katrina and a bag of gold they spend. Can the two knights avoid the unpleasant castle inhabitants, rescue Katrina and put pay to the wicked king?