The Ghastly Love of Johnny X (NR)

A truly mad concoction, blending 1950s sci-fi melodrama, song-and-dance, and a touch of horror - a mesmerizing big screen spectacular! The fun begins as Johnny X and his misfit gang of juvenile delinquents from outer space are sentenced to Earth where "ghastly" is the word!
SciFi/Fantasy, Horror
1 hr. 46 min.
Opened October 26th, 2012

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A truly mad concoction, blending 1950s sci-fi melodrama, song-and-dance, and a touch of horror - a mesmerizing big screen spectacular! The fun begins as Johnny X and his misfit gang of juvenile delinquents from outer space are sentenced to Earth where "ghastly" is the word!
SciFi/Fantasy, Horror
1 hr. 46 min.
Opened October 26th, 2012