It Came From Outer Space (G)

When amateur astronomer John Putnam and his fiancée spot a spaceship crash-landing in the desert, the nearby townspeople refuse to believe their outlandish claim. But when locals start disappearing - only to be replaced by alien clones - it's up to John to find out what the extraterrestrials' real motives are before chaos consumes the town.
1 hr. 20 min.
Opened May 25th, 1953

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When amateur astronomer John Putnam and his fiancée spot a spaceship crash-landing in the desert, the nearby townspeople refuse to believe their outlandish claim. But when locals start disappearing - only to be replaced by alien clones - it's up to John to find out what the extraterrestrials' real motives are before chaos consumes the town.
1 hr. 20 min.
Opened May 25th, 1953