The Dark Knight Rises (PG-13)
After eight years of struggling with his new status as a wanted vigilante, Batman must contend with newcomers Catwoman and the brutal and villainous Bane.
Action/Adventure, Thriller
2 hr. 44 min.
Opened July 20th, 2012
MovieGoer Review
Every story hinges on something to care about, and with larger-than-life comic book movies, that hook is even more important. Batman Begins delivers on a sweeping origin story — the first moments of a true hero. The Dark Knight downplayed... MORE
After eight years of struggling with his new status as a wanted vigilante, Batman must contend with newcomers Catwoman and the brutal and villainous Bane.
Action/Adventure, Thriller
2 hr. 44 min.
Opened July 20th, 2012
MovieGoer Review
Every story hinges on something to care about, and with larger-than-life comic book movies, that hook is even more important. Batman Begins delivers on a sweeping origin story — the first moments of a true hero. The Dark Knight downplayed... MORE