The Lie (2011) (R)
"The Lie" is a candid, yet charming look at how a seemingly harmless and momentary lapse of judgment can lead to life-altering calamity. Lonnie and Clover were once young idealists -- destined to change the world, until an unanticipated pregnancy derailed their plans. Instead of making their mark, the pair finds themselves trapped in a bourgeois nightmare, hosting BBQ's and arguing about organic diapers. Clover is in her final year of law school, while Lonnie, stuck in a nine-to-five routine, remains in a daze about the artistic lifestyle they were forced to abandon.
1 hr. 20 min.
Opened November 18th, 2011
"The Lie" is a candid, yet charming look at how a seemingly harmless and momentary lapse of judgment can lead to life-altering calamity. Lonnie and Clover were once young idealists -- destined to change the world, until an unanticipated pregnancy derailed their plans. Instead of making their mark, the pair finds themselves trapped in a bourgeois nightmare, hosting BBQ's and arguing about organic diapers. Clover is in her final year of law school, while Lonnie, stuck in a nine-to-five routine, remains in a daze about the artistic lifestyle they were forced to abandon.
1 hr. 20 min.
Opened November 18th, 2011