The Lost Weekend (1945)

Don Birman is a struggling writer who waters down his writer's block with booze. He shares an apartment with his more responsible brother Nick, who is about to go on a weekend vacation. Nick is worried about leaving Don alone, but Don assures him he will be fine and will use the time alone to write. However, he is not fooling even himself, and plans to go on a bender. After drinking all the alcohol in the house, Don goes to a bar, and while his creativity seems to flow, things go from bad to worse.
1 hr. 41 min.
Opened November 16th, 1945

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Don Birman is a struggling writer who waters down his writer's block with booze. He shares an apartment with his more responsible brother Nick, who is about to go on a weekend vacation. Nick is worried about leaving Don alone, but Don assures him he will be fine and will use the time alone to write. However, he is not fooling even himself, and plans to go on a bender. After drinking all the alcohol in the house, Don goes to a bar, and while his creativity seems to flow, things go from bad to worse.
1 hr. 41 min.
Opened November 16th, 1945