Genghis Kahn: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea (Aoki Okami - Chi Hate Umi T (R)

Assailed himself by doubts over the secret of his birth, facing conflict and betrayal by his sworn friend, and his mixed feeling of love and hatred for the son who bears the same burden... Together with the scenes such as an intense battle in which 5,000 Mongolian Army soldiers appear, and over 27,000 people mounted as extras to film this entertainment epic, the hero now emerges from the history that has concealed him for so long.
Action/Adventure, Drama
2 hr. 12 min.
Opened February 21st, 2008

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Assailed himself by doubts over the secret of his birth, facing conflict and betrayal by his sworn friend, and his mixed feeling of love and hatred for the son who bears the same burden... Together with the scenes such as an intense battle in which 5,000 Mongolian Army soldiers appear, and over 27,000 people mounted as extras to film this entertainment epic, the hero now emerges from the history that has concealed him for so long.
Action/Adventure, Drama
2 hr. 12 min.
Opened February 21st, 2008